Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Summer Lovin?

Yesterday was the hottest day in England for around Nine Years and I seriously think every pregnant woman in the country should get a medal!
I know lots of us are suffering in the current heat so here’s my top five tips for staying cool...

1. Raid your holiday clothes.

If, like me, you keep your holiday clothes bundled away in a suitcase somewhere, it’s time to break them out. Obviously the majority won’t fit (goodbye denim hot-pants!) but you might find one or two items incredibly useful. Up to now I’d been living in black leggings but they are simply too hot to consider! In my holiday selection I found a long maxi skirt with a stretchy waistband, a couple of dresses with a bit of give and a lovely top that, although once floaty, was now just managing to accommodate my bump!
I’ve always resented spending money on maternity clothes because they don’t last very long, so the concept of now buying summer maternity clothes just didn’t sit well with me! But my holiday collection really has saved the day, in fact I’ve recently been told I’ve been dressing myself better since pregnant so it may be worth you giving it a go!
Seen here in Mexico - this dress can nicely accommodate my bump!

2. Shower whenever you bloody feel like it!

I’m averaging around three showers a day at the moment, but I really couldn’t care less!

On a morning after a sticky night’s sleep, of course I want to shower and when I get home it’s the first thing on my mind! (Even before what to eat for tea, which is a first!) But for me, the most important shower of the day is the one I’m taking right before bed. It’s so hot during the night If I don’t try and cool down beforehand I know I’ve got no chance! What I’ve started to do is wash my hair before bed and sleep with it wet (no mam, It won’t give me a cold!) which is keeping my head cool at least! (You could always plait it for the wavy look if your hair is longer)

3. Ditch the duvet.

Now of course I don’t NEED a duvet in these temperatures, but I LIKE to have it in case monsters eat my feet during the night! (Can you believe I’m going to be a mother?) So I’ve chucked the duvet off and replaced it with a flat sheet which is strangely cooling – there’s a reason they have them on the beds abroad you know!

4. Invest in a paddling pool.

Now if you’re brave you can full on sit in this in the garden but I’ve taken to dipping my feet in for a few hours after work (works wonders if you’ve got cankles!) It cost £2.99 from ASDA, combine it with a 30p ice pop and it’s happy days all round!

My Summer Office Essentials!

5. Let your employer know you’re uncomfortable.

For those of you in employment, this is probably the place where you suffer the most. Whilst there is no legal temperature that the office must be, your employer does have a duty to minimise any risk to your pregnancy, and this includes overheating. See how they can help, a fan by your desk, more regular breaks. My company even bought me an ice lolly yesterday but whatever you do, don’t suffer in silence!


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