Sunday, 7 June 2015

The day my jaw unhinged.

It was the 28th January and I was feeling extremely happy.
After a rough few months things were finally starting to look up and I was packing my case ready to get married in two days time!
I danced around the house ticking items off my list as I threw them in my bag, deodorant? check! Toothpaste? Check! And then as my hand hovered over a box of tampons, a small frown came over my face as I started to do mental calculations in my head. Where the bloody hell was my period, I'd worked out it should have been and gone long before the wedding!
I usually have a test or two knocking about so I grabbed one and did the business. You know the drill, pee, put the cap on, stick it on the back of the loo and wait three minutes. Usually this process resulted in a quick glance, a relieved sigh and chucking the stick in the bin.
However, I didn't even get round to putting the timer on, as I was washing my hands I glanced at the little white stick...with the big blue cross on it!!


I frantically grabbed the instructions and double-checked, yep, cross meant pregnant.

I was pregnant.

Still sinking in...

I slowly stumbled down the stairs in a daze, to where my partner was sat on the sofa. I walked towards him, white pee-covered stick thrust out towards him. "Peter, I'm pregnant!"

In my head he would jump up to greet me and hug me and tell me everything was going to be okay. In reality he gave me the briefest of glances before saying "ha-ha"

"No, Peter, I'm pregnant"

"Yeah - sure you are"
"Peter! Look at the stick!!"
He looked at it puzzled and said "Well I don't know what that means!"

I stormed up the stairs in a sudden rage, he he followed me up and I shoved the instructions into his hand. I stood panting waiting for his response.

"Cool" he said, a big grin on his face. What was the matter with him? Did he not understand? I was pregnant, with child, up the duff!!

"Peter you have to go and get me another test right now" I shrieked, on the brink of tears.

For once he didn't argue and disappeared swiftly out of the door.

Quickly I dashed to the bedroom and grabbed my phone to call my sister.

"Hello" - thank god for once she'd answered.

"Kelly I'm pregnant" - well there was no point mincing my words.

The response was inhuman. A mixture of sobs and tears but when I explained I'd only done one test she told me to ring back after test two.
Bless him I think he broke the record for dashing round Sainsbury's and returned with one of those digital ones from the cheesy TV adverts.
Approximately 90 seconds later I was staring at clear blue words
And 60 seconds after that 5+ weeks popped up onto the screen, I was really pregnant!
Peter's Reaction
Mine isn't a fairy tale story, I had a big life-changing shock, but as my next few posts will prove, it's all going to be okay, so if you're in a similar situation, don't panic!

My new motto!


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